Looking After Our Rivers


A message from our Secretary, Jason Harper:


Dear All,

I hope that everyone is keeping safe and well, and enjoying some freedom at last. It has been so hot lately that I doubt much fishing has been done? The vaunted thunderstorms have not arrived (yet), but i think will be welcome if they do. The rivers probably need a good flush through.

Please can I put in a mention for the West Country Rivers Trust "Plymouth River Keepers" initiative. It is not an angling specific drive, but more of a voluntary citizen science initiative to monitor the health of the small streams that flow through northern Plymouth, and engage the public with their ecology, and environmental health:


Also, uur Chairman, Mike, has asked me to circulate this to all members. Soem of you may have seen the news reports of pacific pink salmon turning up in East Coast Scottish rivers, and they may be establishing themselves. We know what damage non native species (think red clawed crayfish and Himalayan balsam) can do! In addition, please keep an eye out for red skin disease, and follow good biosecure protocols after fishing for your waders and nets, to prevent possible spread of diseas between our rivers (Plym catchment and Tavy):



The End is Nigh!


Early Season Meets