Our Beats


A beautiful stretch of easily accessible water providing Seatrout on the fly at night and Seatrout and Salmon fishing with artificial lure after a spate.. This long beat has quiet corners along its length with more than a few surprises to be found.



Dark moorland water supporting hard fighting brownies, supplemented by Salmon and Seatrout in Summer and Autumn. Good fly water in a secluded valley where the angler can truely lose themselves. Don’t forget the smaller beat to the south!

Cad & Meavy

Best from late May, head north for the Meavy or east for the Cad. These pockets hold a few surprisingly large brown trout as well as some salmon and sea trout. Plenty to explore for the agile angler on this stunning beat where the wood meets the moor.



The best of both worlds with easy access pools on the outskits of Ivybridge and hidden pockets off the beaten track. Quality holding pools and captivating trout fishing, these beats might not be long but they are enthralling.