PDFAA Constitution

PDFAA Constitution


The name of the Association shall be “The Plymouth and District Freshwater Angling Association”.


The objects of the Association are :-

  1. to foster the interest of anglers in Plymouth and the surrounding districts

  2. to rent or otherwise acquire the right to fish for migratory fish and brown trout on the Plym and Tavy and other adjacent rivers in the county of Devon and Cornwall and to make such fishing available to members of the Association and others as provided by the rules.

  3. to assist in the preservation and conservation of indigenous wild fish stocks in the club waters for future generations, through ethical and unselfish fishing methods and behaviours.


The Association shall consist of :-

  1. not more than fifty five members in total consisting of a mix of Full Members and Trout Members:

    • Full Members may fish for salmon, sea trout and brown trout.

    • Trout Members may fish for brown trout only.

  2. an unlimited number of Junior Members aged between 10 and 18 years of age and have the same fishing rights as Full Members. However those aged 10 to 15 years of age may only fish if accompanied by a Full Member.

  3. Honorary Members who may be appointed by the Committee and granted life long full membership in recognition of their services to the Association.

Application for Membership

All applications for membership shall be made in writing via email to the Secretary.


Subscriptions for each class of membership shall be recommended by the Committee for approval at each Annual General Meeting.

A member who has not paid his subscription by 28th February will be deemed to have resigned their membership and their place will be open to new applicants.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held every year not later than 1 March to undertake the following business:-

  1. Receive a report from the Chairman and Secretary of the year’s activities.

  2. Receive a statement of the Associations accounts for the preceding financial year.

  3. Consider any motion that has been submitted to the Secretary at least 7 days before the meeting.

  4. Set the membership fees for the year.

  5. Elect a Chairman, Honorary Secretary. Honorary Treasurer and no less that 2 Committee members. Nominations for the above posts to be received at least 7 days before the date of the AGM.

  6. The Officers and Committee Members shall retire every year but shall be eligible for re-election.

  7. The notice of the AGM and agenda shall be sent to every member at least 21 days before the meeting.


The Committee shall meet at least 3 times each year.

The quorum at any General Meeting shall be ¼ of members.

Voting shall be by show of hands unless requested otherwise by any Member. The Chairman of the meeting shall have the casting vote.


The Association will maintain a bank account with Lloyds Bank.

The account will have 2 signatories. Any one of the two is authorized to sign cheques.

Catch returns

Every member is required to complete the PDFAA catch return, (Annex A below), and return this to the Chairman by 15 January after the close of the season.


The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Committee with the officers.

The Constitution and Rules may only be altered by majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.

The PDFAA catch return form

To download a copy of the PDFAA catch return form please click here.